Hangry Cooking Terms Dictionary How to Blanch and what does it mean to blanch when cooking?

How to Blanch and what does it mean to blanch when cooking?

If a recipe instructs you to “blanch” or suggest "blancing" you are going to need both boiling and ice cold water.

To Blanch means to plunge food in boiling water briefly to tenderize it. Then submerge it in ice water to instantly stop cooking.

Usually a vegetable or fruit, is scalded in boiling water, removed after a brief, timed interval, and finally plunged into iced water or placed under cold running water (shocking or refreshing) to stop the cooking process.

We have given an example below and it is probably the most popular reference to Blanching in recipes, “How to Blanch” .

Watch how to Blanch when cooking or baking


Video thanks to Kraft Canada Cooking on Youtube: How to blanch

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